by Manish Chandra | Apr 30, 2024 | allergies, awareness, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedic Healing, ayurvedic herbs, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, ayurvedicrecipes, balance, biking, bloating, blog, body consitution, breath, breathe, breathing, calming, carbohydrates, cause & effect, circulation, cleanse, colds, Consciousness, cost-saving, crying, daily routine, dairy and fruit, dehydration, detox, Detoxification, detoxify, diet, diet foods, diets, digestion, digestive fire, Digestive Health, digestive issues, dinner, disease, earth, Earth Day, eat locally, eat seasonally, emotional, Energy, exercise, eye health, Gut Health, habit, habits, heal, heal your relationship to food, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, herb, herbal remedies, herbal tea, herbalblends, lifestyle, Love, meditation, mental health, microflora, mucus, mucus membranes, nasya, nature, nervous system, neti, pollen, Seasonal, seasonal and daily routines, seasonal diet, seasonaldiet, seasonalhealth, seasonalroutine, seasons, Self-Care, self-empowerment, Self-love, self-realization, spring, spring cleaning, spring cleansing, spring detoxification, spring diet, spring equinox, spring nutrition, springdetox, stress, work, yogi
Photo by Karolina Grabowska. Ayurveda is an ancient science that is deeply integrated with the cycles of the seasons. Nature and the body are deeply connected: the activity in your gut and the activity in the soil involve and depend on each other…. Both intertwine...
by Manish Chandra | Mar 29, 2021 | Ayurveda, ayurvedic, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, buddhism, daily routine, disease, emotional, emotions, Energy, heal, healing, health, jyotisa, jyotish, lifestyle, meditation, mind and body, nakshatra, prana, rejuvenation, rejuvination, relationships, rest, routine, self-realization, spiritual, studies, swimming, trust, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, water, Wellness, wisdom, work, yoga
Saturn aspects Venus, Mar. 30 Venus is beauty and comfort. When Venus goes to work, as seen in its masculine sign Libra, you find a shopkeeper or a salesperson in the busy downtown scene of a city. These people deal in abstract values, such as fashion,...
by Manish Chandra | Mar 22, 2021 | anxiety, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, balance, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, daily routine, emotional, emotions, Energy, fatigue, flow, heal, Health issues, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, illusion, imbalance, jyotisa, jyotish, lifestyle, meditation, minerals, nakshatra, rejuvenation, rejuvination, scienceoflife, spiritual, vedic astrology, Vedic science, Wellness, wisdom, work, yoga, yogi
Jupiter in Dhaniṣṭhā Jupiter has moved away from Saturn into the next nakshatra, Dhaniṣṭhā, where Jupiter will stay until May 21. Dhaniṣṭhā literally means wealthy and complete. To the rishis and sages, wealth was a state of being moreso than a title based...
by Manish Chandra | Mar 1, 2021 | blog, breath, breathe, breathing, buddhism, cleanse, detox, diet, emotions, Energy, healing, health, jyotisa, jyotish, meditation, nakshatra, nervous system, neuroscience, organic, relationships, rest, ritual, root, routine, schedule, scienceoflife, self-realization, spiritual, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, Wellness, wisdom, work, yoga
Thursday, March 4 Find Your Pace, Honor it The Moon moves into early Scorpio, it’s low point in the sky where it becomes debilitated. Today’s motion will also bring the Moon into an exact opposition aspect with Mars, and opposition is the most powerful drishti or...
by Manish Chandra | Oct 27, 2020 | addictions, anxiety, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic massage, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, ayurvedicrecipes, balance, blog, blood sugar, blood sugar levels, body consitution, body constitution, bowel movements, breath, breathing, buddhism, caffeine, carbohydrates, chitra, cleanse, colon, comfortfood, constipation, Cooking, cortisol, daily routine, dehydration, detox, Detoxification, detoxify, digestion, disease, dosha, doshas, emotional, emotions, Energy, exercise, fall, falltips, fatigue, flow, food combinations, food combining, gas, guidelines, gut, Gut Health, habit, heal, heal your relationship to food, healing, health, Health issues, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, healthy options, heart disease, herbal remedies, herbalblends, Herbs, holistic ehalth, holistic healing, holistic health, holistichealth, holsitichealth, hydration, illusion, imbalance, imbalances, immunity, indigestion, inflammation, intuitive eating, jet lag, jyotisa, jyotish, kapha, lethargy, liverhealth, low energy, maya, meditation, mental, mental health, moderation, movement, oils, organic, osha, practices, prana, pranayama, rejuvenation, relationships, rest, ritual, root, schedule, scienceoflife, seasonal diet, seasons, self-realization, sha, six tastes, spiritual, triphala, trust, vagus nerve, vata, vata dosha, vata foods, vata pacifying diet, vedic astrology, Vedic science, vegetables, walking, weight loss, Wellness, wisdom, work, yoga
The purpose of the Vedic sciences is to promote Self-realization. Known as sister sciences, Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic astrology) have been studied as parallel practices since their conception. Ayurveda translates into “knowledge of life,” and Jyotish...
by Manish Chandra | Sep 12, 2018 | Ayurveda, blog, Cooking, Digestive Health, Gut Health, habit, Wellness, work
We often hear from our clients that prioritizing their health during the workday is one of the hardest challenges. Jobs can be stressful, have erratic schedules, be night shifts, or be in locations with a lack of options for healthy food. Between constant emails,...