The Nature of Individuality, structure of life in health and disease

The Nature of Individuality, structure of life in health and disease

Each of us is a unique individual. Just consider how inherently and intriguingly different we are in so many fundamental ways. Each of us will react differently to a given stimulus whether diet, medicine, weather, emotional stresses, aging, or disease. The stream of...
Losing Weight with Ayurveda

Losing Weight with Ayurveda

            The warm weather and renewal of spring is a wonderful time to shed weight that is no longer serving us from winter. However, we want to emphasize that Ayurveda views each person as a reflection of the universe. Because of this, there is no “right” or...
Understanding Your Dosha and Constitution

Understanding Your Dosha and Constitution

            The difference between your dosha and your constitution is based on two concepts; your current state versus what you were born with. Your natural tendency, or your Prakruti, is established at birth and is a stamp of all three doshas at the point of your...
Improve Your Health Through the Dhatus: Plasma and Blood

Improve Your Health Through the Dhatus: Plasma and Blood

             Why does the food you eat hold qualities of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and how does it assimilate into the body and affect how it functions?             In Ayurveda, your body functions from its tissue system, or Dhatus. The 7 Dhatus are the essential...
Welcoming Kapha Season

Welcoming Kapha Season

            In the Northern Hemisphere we are moving from the Vata season to the Kapha season. In temperate climates, you will notice the subtle changes that come with the second half of winter. With any shift in season, there are steps you can take to stay balanced...
The Dhatus: Muscle and Fat

The Dhatus: Muscle and Fat

             Why does the food you eat hold qualities of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and how does it assimilate into the body and affect how it functions.              In Ayurveda, your body functions from its tissue system, or Dhatus. The 7 Dhatus are the essential...