by Manish Chandra | Mar 6, 2024 | apana vayu, Ayurveda, blog, Detoxification, Digestive Health, Energy, fire, flow
“To fix the brain, we first fix the gut” is a saying in Ayurvedic texts. In today’s world, it is relevant that we reboot the digestive system once in awhile and restore it with healthy microbes (gut flora). All people can benefit from healing the gut to optimize...
by Manish Chandra | Jun 2, 2022 | Ayurveda, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedicdiet, blog, carbohydrates, Digestive Health, doshas, fire, Gut Health, kapha, pitta, seasonal and daily routines, summer, summer Ayurvedic diet, vata
Summer is classified in Ayurveda as Pitta season, with the main elements of fire and water at play. The heat, the long days with bright sun, and the sharp intensity define the Pitta season. Pitta is understood as the digestive fire or metabolism, as it is...
by Manish Chandra | Jul 28, 2021 | agni, Air, anti-inflammation, anti-inflammatory diet, awareness, Ayurveda, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedic Healing, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, blog, body constitution, Consciousness, Digestive Health, doshas, earth, farmers market, fire, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, healthy lifetsyle, holistic health, inflammation, intuitive eating, kapha, lifeforce, microbiome, mind and body, nature, nutrients, pitta, prana, scienceoflife, seasonal and daily routines, seasonal diet, summer, summer Ayurvedic diet, summer diet, summer lifestyle, vata, vegetables, water, Wellness
At the basis of Ayurveda are the four elements; water, air, earth, and fire. These elements hold numerous different qualities. Air is quick moving and tends to be cold but is also necessary to move oxygen through our bodies. Water is moist, clear, and...
by Manish Chandra | May 5, 2021 | agni, Air, ama, anti-inflammation, Ayurveda, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, ayurvedicrecipes, balance, blog, blood sugar, body constitution, Cooking, daily routine, detoxify, Digestive Health, doshas, earth, emotionaleating, ether, fire, food, Gut Health, habits, heal your relationship to food, health, holistic healing, imbalances, kapha, lifestyle, microbiome, Mindful Eating, pitta, vata
When making the shift to healthier eating, many people may experience cravings, especially when you are removing sugar and empty carbs from your diet. Sugar and simple carbs create signals in your brain and become addictive, so that when you remove them,...