by Manish Chandra | Mar 1, 2021 | blog, breath, breathe, breathing, buddhism, cleanse, detox, diet, emotions, Energy, healing, health, jyotisa, jyotish, meditation, nakshatra, nervous system, neuroscience, organic, relationships, rest, ritual, root, routine, schedule, scienceoflife, self-realization, spiritual, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, Wellness, wisdom, work, yoga
Thursday, March 4 Find Your Pace, Honor it The Moon moves into early Scorpio, it’s low point in the sky where it becomes debilitated. Today’s motion will also bring the Moon into an exact opposition aspect with Mars, and opposition is the most powerful drishti or...
by Manish Chandra | Feb 15, 2021 | Ayurveda, blog, daily routine, emotional, emotions, Energy, jyotisa, jyotish, maya, meditation, mental, mental health, mind and body, nakshatra, prana, rejuvination, rest, ritual, root, routine, schedule, scienceoflife, self-realization, sleep, stress, trust, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, walking, Wellness, wisdom, yoga
Thursday, Feb. 18 We are in the final days of an inauspicious yoga, (Kal Sarpa Yoga), wherein all of the planets are stationed between the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu have the tendency to disrupt the natural tendencies of the planets, bringing waves of...
by Manish Chandra | Feb 1, 2021 | Ayurveda, ayurvedic, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, cleanse, detox, emotional, emotions, Energy, heal, healing, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, holistic health, holistichealth, holsitichealth, hydration, illusion, imbalance, imbalances, jyotisa, jyotish, lifestyle, maya, meditation, mental, mental health, mind and body, moderation, nakshatra, organic, practices, prana, rejuvenation, rejuvination, relationships, ritual, root, routine, trust, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, Wellness, wisdom, yoga
This week is all about the Moon. Every other planet is staying put until February 12, when the Sun breaks through into Aquarius. So, what better time than now to dive into the most important celestial body for all things 3D, the totality of your incarnated experience;...
by Manish Chandra | Oct 27, 2020 | addictions, anxiety, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic massage, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, ayurvedicrecipes, balance, blog, blood sugar, blood sugar levels, body consitution, body constitution, bowel movements, breath, breathing, buddhism, caffeine, carbohydrates, chitra, cleanse, colon, comfortfood, constipation, Cooking, cortisol, daily routine, dehydration, detox, Detoxification, detoxify, digestion, disease, dosha, doshas, emotional, emotions, Energy, exercise, fall, falltips, fatigue, flow, food combinations, food combining, gas, guidelines, gut, Gut Health, habit, heal, heal your relationship to food, healing, health, Health issues, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, healthy options, heart disease, herbal remedies, herbalblends, Herbs, holistic ehalth, holistic healing, holistic health, holistichealth, holsitichealth, hydration, illusion, imbalance, imbalances, immunity, indigestion, inflammation, intuitive eating, jet lag, jyotisa, jyotish, kapha, lethargy, liverhealth, low energy, maya, meditation, mental, mental health, moderation, movement, oils, organic, osha, practices, prana, pranayama, rejuvenation, relationships, rest, ritual, root, schedule, scienceoflife, seasonal diet, seasons, self-realization, sha, six tastes, spiritual, triphala, trust, vagus nerve, vata, vata dosha, vata foods, vata pacifying diet, vedic astrology, Vedic science, vegetables, walking, weight loss, Wellness, wisdom, work, yoga
The purpose of the Vedic sciences is to promote Self-realization. Known as sister sciences, Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic astrology) have been studied as parallel practices since their conception. Ayurveda translates into “knowledge of life,” and Jyotish...
by Manish Chandra | Oct 26, 2020 | anxiety, balance, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, cleanse, coping, daily routine, detox, Detoxification, detoxify, emotional, emotions, Energy, fall, fallguidelines, habit, habits, healing, hydration, imbalance, imbalances, immunity, jyotish, lethargy, lifestyle, maya, meditation, mental, mental health, microorganism, mind and body, moderation, nakshatra, nutrition, practices, prana, pranayama, rest, ritual, routine, self-realization, spiritual, vedic astrology, Vedic science, Wellness, wisdom, yoga
October 26th, retrograde Mercury conjunct Sun in Libra The turbulence and volatile mindedness are coming to a head as Mercury’s retrograde dance rejoins the Sun in Libra. Swati is the asterism of this conjunction, and “Swati means ‘the sword,’...
by Manish Chandra | Oct 19, 2020 | Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, balance, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, buddhism, coping, detox, emotional, emotions, Energy, fallguidelines, falltips, habit, habits, heal, healing, health, Health issues, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, healthy options, holistic healing, holistic health, holistichealth, illusion, imbalance, imbalances, jyotish, lifestyle, maya, meditation, mental, mental health, nakshatra, neuroscience, neuroscience of meditation, organic, practices, prana, pranayama, rejuvenation, rejuvination, relationships, rest, ritual, root, scienceoflife, seasonal and daily routines, self-realization, spiritual, vedic astrology, Vedic science, water, Wellness, wisdom, yoga
Tuesday October 20th, Moon in Scorpio, Jyestha, Trine Mars in Pisces Thursday October 22nd, Venus enters Virgo Monday October 26th, Moon in Aquarius, trine Sun and Mercury in Libra – On Tuesday, October 20th, the Moon will move through its sign of debilitation,...