Ayurvedic Oral and Dental Care

Ayurvedic Oral and Dental Care

Tooth decay is one of the oldest and most common ailments of humanity. It’s caused by a buildup of bacteria, which produces acid and breaks down enamel. The ancient texts of Ayurveda provide excellent methods for taking care of oral and dental health.  Brushing,...
Just Say No to Allergy Season

Just Say No to Allergy Season

Photo by Karolina Grabowska. Ayurveda is an ancient science that is deeply integrated with the cycles of the seasons. Nature and the body are deeply connected: the activity in your gut and the activity in the soil involve and depend on each other…. Both intertwine...

Staying Balanced in January

The longest night of the year, marked by winter solstice, is also a turning point toward warmth; every day to come is longer. Yet as our days slowly get longer, it is still winter: dry, cold, and stormy! This is the season to eat hearty foods such as bananas,...
Summer is Around the Corner!

Summer is Around the Corner!

            Summer is the season of pitta. Pitta’s qualities are hot, light, mobile, sharp, and oily. It governs the heat in the body and it is primarily responsible for digestion, perception, and intelligence. Because pitta shares many of the same qualities as...
Ayurvedic Spring Guide

Ayurvedic Spring Guide

            Spring has sprung and the kapha season has shown its bright, fresh face. Happy spring equinox and welcome to the beginning of longer days, warmer weather, and all of the signs of rebirth and freshness! Spring is the official transition season between...