by Manish Chandra | Dec 28, 2020 | anxiety, Ayurveda, balance, blog, breath, breathing, buddhism, daily routine, dehydration, digestion, emotional, emotionaleating, emotions, Energy, heal, healing, health, holistic healing, holistic health, holistichealth, holsitichealth, hydration, jyotisa, jyotish, lifestyle, maya, meditation, nakshatra, scienceoflife, spiritual, trust, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, water, yoga
Gemini Full Moon, Ardra Nakshatra Tuesday, December 29 This lunar cycle began with a new Moon-Solar eclipse in Scorpio, on December 14th. Through deepening our awareness of the self, we have harnessed the power of the turbulent sea we otherwise fear, able to...
by Manish Chandra | Dec 14, 2020 | anxiety, assimilation, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, balance, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, buddhism, cleanse, daily routine, dehydration, emotions, Energy, fatigue, flow, guidelines, habits, heal, healing, health, Health issues, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, healthy options, heart disease, holistic healing, holistic health, holistichealth, holsitichealth, hydration, illusion, imbalance, imbalances, immunity, jyotisa, jyotish, maya, meditation, nakshatra, new moon, rejuvenation, rejuvination, rest, routine, scienceoflife, self-realization, spiritual, stress, trust, truth, vata, vedic astrology, Vedic science, water, Wellness, wisdom, yoga
Monday, December 14 Starting at 8:17 AM PST, the Moon will join the Sun in exact degree conjunction, producing a new Moon. This will occur in the nakshatra known as the ‘senior-most,’ or ‘eldest,’ called Jyestha, in the final degree of Scorpio. A new Moon is...
by Manish Chandra | Dec 7, 2020 | amavasya, anxiety, assimilation, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, balance, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, buddhism, cleanse, healing, health, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, healthy options, holistic healing, holistic health, holistichealth, holsitichealth, illusion, imbalance, immunity, jyotisa, jyotish, meditation, mental health, nakshatra, nervous system, new moon, rejuvenation, rejuvination, relationships, self-realization, vedic astrology, Vedic science, wisdom, yoga
Thursday, December 10: Venus will enter into Scorpio at 3:47pm PST, joining the Sun, Mercury, and Ketu. More specifically, Venus will be in the latter pada of the Vishakha Nakshatra, representing the ripening of fruit and the harvest of your efforts that...
by Manish Chandra | Dec 2, 2020 | abhyanga, addictions, anti-inflammatory diet, anxiety, assimilation, Ayurveda, ayurvedic approach, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, bloating, blog, body consitution, body constitution, bowel movements, breathe, breathing, daily routine, detox, Detoxification, detoxify, diets, digestion, Digestive Health, disease, dosha, doshas, elimination, emotional, emotionaleating, emotions
Anxiety is basically what happens when we experience worry, doubt, dread, or fear regarding the future, and it can manifest in various ways. We’ve all probably felt at least a little anxiety before, so we won’t go into too many specifics about what it feels like in...