by Manish Chandra | Jun 7, 2022 | Ayurveda, Ayurvedicdiet, blog, bowel movements, Digestive Health, doshas, fiber, gastro-intestinal tract, grains, Gut Health, holistic health, kapha, pitta, vata
Eating a diet high in fiber is best known to prevent or relieve constipation. However, fiber contains loads of amazing health benefits. It can help maintain a healthy weight, lower risks of diabetes and heart disease, and lower cholesterol levels. Fiber...
by Manish Chandra | Feb 26, 2021 | abhyanga, anti-inflammatory diet, anxiety, assimilation, Ayurveda, blog, blood sugar, blood sugar levels, body consitution, bowel movements, breath
Getting enough sleep is essential to our health. Countless legends tell us of ancient healers whose first response to being asked, “how can I heal?” went something like this: “sleep for three days and then come back to see me.” And for good reason: sleep helps the...
by Manish Chandra | Jan 29, 2021 | 8 fold path, abhyanga, acne, addictions, agni, allergies, anti-inflammation, anti-inflammatory diet, anxiety, Ayurvedic massage, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, ayurvedicrecipes, blog, blood sugar, blood sugar levels, body constitution, bowel movements, breathe, breathing, buddhism, caffeine, carbohydrates, chitra, coffee, daily routine, dairy, dairy and fruit, dehydration, dental hygeine, detox, dosha, doshas, duiet, elimination, emotional, emotionaleating, gastro-intestinal tract, GI tract, grains
We’ve had a lot of people stop by the office recently (wearing masks, of course) asking, “What is Ayurveda anyway?” Ayurveda is an ancient system of Medicine that originated in India over 5,000 plus years ago. Back then, people didn’t have iPhones or Google; they had...
by Manish Chandra | Jan 15, 2021 | amavasya, anti-inflammation, anti-inflammatory diet, anxiety, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic massage, Ayurvedicdiet, blog, body consitution, body constitution, bowel movements, cortisol, cost-saving, crimesagainstwisdom, daily routine, dairy, dairy and fruit, diets, digestion, Digestive Health, dinner
The Vedic teachings (Ayurveda is a branch of the Vedic teachings) remind us to cultivate presence—the kind of awareness needed to live a full, whole, intelligent life. When you hear the word ‘presence’ what do you feel? Does it trigger memories of when you felt...
by Manish Chandra | Dec 2, 2020 | abhyanga, addictions, anti-inflammatory diet, anxiety, assimilation, Ayurveda, ayurvedic approach, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, bloating, blog, body consitution, body constitution, bowel movements, breathe, breathing, daily routine, detox, Detoxification, detoxify, diets, digestion, Digestive Health, disease, dosha, doshas, elimination, emotional, emotionaleating, emotions
Anxiety is basically what happens when we experience worry, doubt, dread, or fear regarding the future, and it can manifest in various ways. We’ve all probably felt at least a little anxiety before, so we won’t go into too many specifics about what it feels like in...
by Manish Chandra | Nov 24, 2020 | agni, anti-inflammation, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, blog, body consitution, body constitution, bowel movements, breath, breathe, breathing, buddhism, cold, colds, daily routine, detox, Detoxification, detoxify, diet, diet culture, diet foods, digestion, Digestive Health, digestive issues, disease, Energy, exercise, fat, food combinations, Gut Health, heal, healthy lifestyle, holistic ehalth, holistic healing, holistic health, holistichealth, holsitichealth, hydration, imbalance, meditation, microorganism, mind and body, Mindful Eating, oils, organic, self-realization, skin care, skincare, sleep, supplements, Taste, turmeric, Vedic science, Wellness, wisdom, yoga
Agni is known in Ayurveda as the internal digestive fire, as well as the deity of fire. The devotion to Agni is not nature-worship, but a recognition of the awe inspiring power that softens metal, evaporates water, and may bring life or death. Fire is known across the...