Sleep Patterns and Dreams

Sleep Patterns and Dreams

             Sleep is in the top 3 most important aspects to having a healthy life. However, it is common as we live these fast-paced lives our sleep often becomes erratic, which can lead to many health and energy issues. After a day of stimulating activity, your body...
Vedic Astrology Forecast, Mar. 29 – Apr. 5

Vedic Astrology Forecast, Mar. 29 – Apr. 5

Saturn aspects Venus, Mar. 30             Venus is beauty and comfort. When Venus goes to work, as seen in its masculine sign Libra, you find a shopkeeper or a salesperson in the busy downtown scene of a city. These people deal in abstract values, such as fashion,...
Vedic Astrology Forecast, 3/8–3/15

Vedic Astrology Forecast, 3/8–3/15

Maha Siva Ratri, Thursday, Mar. 11             Maha Siva Ratri is a festival dedicated to the Lord Shiva, the cosmic creator and destroyer. Common practice is to stay up the whole night chanting mantras for Shiva, and offering fresh seasonal foods to Shiva. A Shiva...
Vedic Astrology Forecast, Mar 1–Mar 8

Vedic Astrology Forecast, Mar 1–Mar 8

Thursday, March 4 Find Your Pace, Honor it The Moon moves into early Scorpio, it’s low point in the sky where it becomes debilitated. Today’s motion will also bring the Moon into an exact opposition aspect with Mars, and opposition is the most powerful drishti or...
Vedic Astrology Forecast, Feb 22–Feb 29

Vedic Astrology Forecast, Feb 22–Feb 29

Carving Creative Confidence from Tenderness, Feb 24- Feb25 The Moon is in Cancer, (it’s own sign), and is waxing, which adds strength to the ability of the Moon to positively influence the day. We can draw a chart with the Moon as an ascendant to better understand...
Vedic Astrology Forecast, Feb.15–Feb. 22

Vedic Astrology Forecast, Feb.15–Feb. 22

Thursday, Feb. 18 We are in the final days of an inauspicious yoga, (Kal Sarpa Yoga), wherein all of the planets are stationed between the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu have the tendency to disrupt the natural tendencies of the planets, bringing waves of...