Refreshing your Health in Nature

Refreshing your Health in Nature

            Nature holds elements and vibrations that make up your very being. It holds answers and necessary energies that your body is craving in order to begin a path to wellness and healing. But what is it that makes nature such an important step in this process...
Aligning Chakras – Crown Chakra

Aligning Chakras – Crown Chakra

            The seventh and final chakra is the Crown chakra. If you haven’t done so already, we highly encourage you to take a few minutes to read through our other articles “Aligning Chakras” as all seven energies work together in a divine orchestration. The Crown...
Aligning Chakras: Third Eye Chakra

Aligning Chakras: Third Eye Chakra

            The sixth of the seven chakras is the Third Eye chakra. It is called the third eye because its sees and experiences energy that the eyes physically can’t. It is arguably the most powerful of all the seven energies.             In Ayurveda, it is believed...
Vedic Astrology Forecast, 3/8–3/15

Vedic Astrology Forecast, 3/8–3/15

Maha Siva Ratri, Thursday, Mar. 11             Maha Siva Ratri is a festival dedicated to the Lord Shiva, the cosmic creator and destroyer. Common practice is to stay up the whole night chanting mantras for Shiva, and offering fresh seasonal foods to Shiva. A Shiva...
Vedic Astrology Forecast, Feb 1–Feb 8

Vedic Astrology Forecast, Feb 1–Feb 8

This week is all about the Moon. Every other planet is staying put until February 12, when the Sun breaks through into Aquarius. So, what better time than now to dive into the most important celestial body for all things 3D, the totality of your incarnated experience;...
Vedic Astrology: New Moon in Sagittarius, Jan 14

Vedic Astrology: New Moon in Sagittarius, Jan 14

Tuesday, January 12   The New Moon will occur in the final degrees of Sagittarius, and we can create a birth chart from this event using the Moon as the ascendant, in order to touch on themes that can build and ramp up over the next 15 days.   In this chart,...