Love is in the Air: The Medicinal History of Roses

Love is in the Air: The Medicinal History of Roses

With Valentine’s Day approaching, let’s take a moment to appreciate roses. The rose plant has a long history of medicinal uses in ancient and modern practices alike. Pieces, Places, and Properties Every part of the rose plant – petals, fruit, stem and roots are...
Abhyanga 101: Everything to Know About Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga 101: Everything to Know About Ayurvedic Massage

By Sheyna Haisman-Holmes  Abhyanga is a traditional style of warm oil massage that goes back 5,000 years in India. Abhy=movements & Anga=body. This massage is practiced in Panchakarma Therapy (cellular detoxification protocol), as well as on its own as a...
Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse

Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse

Why is it important to cleanse?             The term “spring cleaning” applies to our bodies as well our minds in Ayurveda. With the seasonal shift from Winter into Summer, we must prepare our bodies through detoxification in the Springtime. We want to consume a low...
Build up in the Body: Ama

Build up in the Body: Ama

            Ama originates from improperly digested toxic particles that clog the channels in your body. Some of these channels are physical and include the intestines, lymphatic systems, arteries and veins, capillaries, and GI tract. Others are non physical channels...
Cosmetics and Toxic Ingredients

Cosmetics and Toxic Ingredients

            An Ayurvedic saying is, “If you cannot eat it, you don’t want to put it on your skin.” This old saying rings true when looking at the modern threats the cosmetic industry poses to both men and women’s health.             In Ayurveda food is your medicine!...
Sugar vs. Sweet Taste

Sugar vs. Sweet Taste

            Have all that leftover Halloween candy sitting around your house tempting your sweet tooth? Maybe your sugar cravings are increasing as the weather gets colder? It is very common to begin to crave sugar this time of year. The holidays bring more fat,...