by Luisa Rounds | May 9, 2024 | Ayurveda, blog, daily routine, dental, dental hygeine, detox, detoxify, diet, Oil pulling, oils, Oral Health, Oral Hygiene, organic, Self-Care, spring cleansing, spring detoxification, spring diet, spring equinox, uplifting
Tooth decay is one of the oldest and most common ailments of humanity. It’s caused by a buildup of bacteria, which produces acid and breaks down enamel. The ancient texts of Ayurveda provide excellent methods for taking care of oral and dental health. Brushing,...
by Luisa Rounds | Apr 30, 2024 | allergies, awareness, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedic Healing, ayurvedic herbs, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, ayurvedicrecipes, balance, biking, bloating, blog, body consitution, breath, breathe, breathing, calming, carbohydrates, cause & effect, circulation, cleanse, colds, Consciousness, cost-saving, crying, daily routine, dairy and fruit, dehydration, detox, Detoxification, detoxify, diet, diet foods, diets, digestion, digestive fire, Digestive Health, digestive issues, dinner, disease, earth, Earth Day, eat locally, eat seasonally, emotional, Energy, exercise, eye health, Gut Health, habit, habits, heal, heal your relationship to food, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, herb, herbal remedies, herbal tea, herbalblends, lifestyle, Love, meditation, mental health, microflora, mucus, mucus membranes, nasya, nature, nervous system, neti, pollen, Seasonal, seasonal and daily routines, seasonal diet, seasonaldiet, seasonalhealth, seasonalroutine, seasons, Self-Care, self-empowerment, Self-love, self-realization, spring, spring cleaning, spring cleansing, spring detoxification, spring diet, spring equinox, spring nutrition, springdetox, stress, work, yogi
Photo by Karolina Grabowska. Ayurveda is an ancient science that is deeply integrated with the cycles of the seasons. Nature and the body are deeply connected: the activity in your gut and the activity in the soil involve and depend on each other…. Both intertwine...
by Luisa Rounds | Jan 16, 2024 | Ayurveda, balance, blog, dhatus, doshas, Energy, fruits, heat, kapha, manas, Self-Care, tamas, trust
This week, we are sharing some content from our upcoming book that our resident doctor Manish Chandra is coauthoring. Enjoy! Excerpt from Chapter 6: The Organization of Life, Integral System sof Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala The three doshas or tridosha represents the...
by Manish Chandra | Oct 19, 2022 | abhyanga, ama, anti-inflammation, anxiety, autumn, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, Ayurvedic Healing, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic massage, balance, blog, detox, digestion, doshas, emotions, heal, immunity, Love, massage, oils, rejuvenation, Self-Care, vata, vata dosha
By Sheyna Haisman-Holmes Abhyanga is a traditional style of warm oil massage that goes back 5,000 years in India. Abhy=movements & Anga=body. This massage is practiced in Panchakarma Therapy (cellular detoxification protocol), as well as on its own as a...
by Manish Chandra | Nov 16, 2021 | ambition, awareness, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Healing, balance, blog, Consciousness, doshas, emotions, fall, habits, healing, healthy lifestyle, holistic health, kapha, lifeforce, mental health, mind and body, nature, pitta, prana, rejuvenation, scienceoflife, Self-Care, self-empowerment, Self-love, stress, trust, vata, walking, Wellness
Do not brush over this term. With where we are at during this time of year, in this day and age, self-love is severely lacking around every corner. Self-love should never be interpreted as narcissism, selfishness, or vanity. Balance in self-love breeds...