Just Say No to Allergy Season

Just Say No to Allergy Season

Photo by Karolina Grabowska. Ayurveda is an ancient science that is deeply integrated with the cycles of the seasons. Nature and the body are deeply connected: the activity in your gut and the activity in the soil involve and depend on each other…. Both intertwine...
5 Best Tridoshic Foods for Summer

5 Best Tridoshic Foods for Summer

            Although we suggest you take advantage of the entire summer harvest as best as you can, we also wanted to point out a handful of foods that are especially great and can only fully be indulged in during summer. We also want to remind you that moderation is...
Your Summer Outline for Optimal Health!

Your Summer Outline for Optimal Health!

            The solstice has finally come and blessed us with its light and warmth! Summer and Pitta season has officially begun and with that comes more opportunity for travel, hanging out with friends and family and enjoying life with the longer days and warmer...
5 Ways to Get Ready for Summer

5 Ways to Get Ready for Summer

            Summer is classified in Ayurveda as Pitta season, with the main elements of fire and water at play. The heat, the long days with bright sun, and the sharp intensity define the Pitta season. Pitta is understood as the digestive fire or metabolism, as it is...
Losing Weight with Ayurveda

Losing Weight with Ayurveda

            The warm weather and renewal of spring is a wonderful time to shed weight that is no longer serving us from winter. However, we want to emphasize that Ayurveda views each person as a reflection of the universe. Because of this, there is no “right” or...
Understanding Your Dosha and Constitution

Understanding Your Dosha and Constitution

            The difference between your dosha and your constitution is based on two concepts; your current state versus what you were born with. Your natural tendency, or your Prakruti, is established at birth and is a stamp of all three doshas at the point of your...