by Manish Chandra | Jan 30, 2024 | Ayurveda, balance, blog, breath, doshas, liberation, lifeforce, lifestyle, light, rejuvination, sattva, trust, truth, Wellness, wisdom, yogi
Enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 25 the book our Ayurvedic doctor-in-house is coauthoring. Ayurveda, the ancient “Science of Life”, has been presented as a comprehensive training for living in balance and for living true connectedness. The timeless insights of this...
by Manish Chandra | Dec 29, 2023 | awareness, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedic Healing, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedicdiet, ayurvedicrecipes, balance, blog, blood sugar, body consitution, body constitution, body intelligence, cold, dehydration, Digestive Health, digestive issues, dinner, dosha, doshas, Energy, five elements, Gut Health, habits, heal, holistic health, holistichealth, imbalance, imbalances, individuality, intuition, kapha, life, lifeforce, meditation, mental, Nadis, nature, Recipes, sattva, sattvic, self-empowerment, self-realization
Each of us is a unique individual. Just consider how inherently and intriguingly different we are in so many fundamental ways. Each of us will react differently to a given stimulus whether diet, medicine, weather, emotional stresses, aging, or disease. The stream of...