by Manish Chandra | Apr 19, 2022 | Ayurveda, balance, blog, diet foods, Digestive Health, doshas, foodfads, gmos, grocery list, Gut Health, healthy lifestyle, holistic health, kapha, liverhealth, Mindful Eating, nutrients, pitta, processedfoods, spring, spring nutrition, vata, Wellness
Healthy living is extremely convoluted these days. With buzz words like “dairy free” and “gluten-free” on the shelves, it makes the buyer think that what they are reaching for is the healthier option. When in fact, it may be just as bad. As individuals we...
by Manish Chandra | Mar 9, 2022 | agni, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Healing, ayurvedic herbs, blog, blood, body constitution, dhatus, digestion, disease, doshas, fatigue, Gut Health, Herbs, holistic health, imbalances, kapha, lethargy\dehydration, nutrients, Ojas, pitta, Rakta, Rasa, routine, scienceoflife, spices, vata, water
Why does the food you eat hold qualities of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and how does it assimilate into the body and affect how it functions? In Ayurveda, your body functions from its tissue system, or Dhatus. The 7 Dhatus are the essential...
by Manish Chandra | Jan 11, 2022 | agni, anxiety, Ayurveda, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedic Healing, ayurvedic herbs, balance, blog, body constitution, daily routine, depression, Digestive Health, doshas, GI tract, Gut Health, Herbs, holistic health, imbalances, inflammation, kapha, meditation, mental health, microbiome, mindbodysoul, nervous system, neuroscience of meditation, nutrients, pitta, routine, seasonaldepression, second brain, vata, Wellness, winter
The hustle and bustle of the holiday celebrations are over. For many people, Christmas and New Years are their favorite time of year, as it is the time of gathering, giving, and receiving. But according to a recent survey, 88% of Americans say that it is...
by Manish Chandra | Aug 12, 2021 | agni, Ayurveda, ayurvedic approach, ayurvedic herbs, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, ayurvedicrecipes, balance, blog, blood sugar levels, Consciousness, Cooking, Detoxification, Digestive Health, doshas, fenugreek, food combinations, food combining, gastro-intestinal tract, GI tract, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, healing, health, healthy lifestyle, herbal remedies, Herbs, holistic healing, holistic health, kapha, lifeforce, mental health, microbes, mind and body, Mood and Food, nutrients, pitta, Recipes, schedule, scienceoflife, Taste, Upcoming Events, vata, Vedic science, Wellness
This incredibly beneficial herb has been used for thousands of years to help in digestion, milk production, and even sexual health. It aids in alleviating congestion and moves mucus down and out of the body, thus benefiting in inflammation. Fenugreek is...
by Manish Chandra | Aug 6, 2021 | awareness, Ayurveda, blog, Consciousness, Cooking, daily routine, diet culture, digestion, Digestive Health, doshas, emotions, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, habits, heal your relationship to food, Healify, healing, health, healthy lifestyle, healthy options, holistic health, lifeforce, lifestyle, mental, mental health, mind and body, Mindful Eating, Mood and Food, nature, nervous system, neuroscience, nutrients, Recipes, scienceoflife, seasonal and daily routines, second brain, self-empowerment, self-realization, Upcoming Events, Vedic science, Wellness, Workshop, yoga
Manish Chandra – Ayurvedic Doctor Growing up in Nepal, Manish was exposed to Ayurveda from an early age, creating a foundation for his deep connection to this time tested medical system. He combines the traditional system of Ayurveda with modern biological...
by Manish Chandra | Aug 4, 2021 | awareness, Ayurveda, ayurvedic herbs, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, blog, Consciousness, Cooking, cost-saving, digestion, Digestive Health, doshas, farmers market, gastro-intestinal tract, GI tract, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, habits, healthy lifestyle, Herbs, holistic health, kapha, lifeforce, mental health, microbes, microbiome, microflora, mind and body, Mindful Eating, nutrients, organic, pesticides, pitta, prana, probiotics and the gut, processedfoods, routine, scienceoflife, seasonal and daily routines, seasonal diet, seasonalhealth, seasons, second brain, sleep, spices, tips, turmeric, Upcoming Events, vata, vegetables, Wellness, Workshop
In Ayurveda, freshly prepared meals contain foods that are whole, living, and fresh from the earth, providing a necessary component for circulation of movement within your body; life force (prana). This energy is ingested in the body ad increases flow of...