by Manish Chandra | Feb 8, 2024 | 8 fold path, Achara Rasayana, agni, alcohol, alcoholism, allergies, aloe, ama, ama pachana, anti-inflammation, anti-inflammatory diet, anxiety, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedic Healing, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic massage, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, blog, blood sugar, buddhism, constipation, Cooking, coriander, detoxify, digestive fire, Digestive Health, digestive issues, eat seasonally, emotional health, five elements, Gut Health, Health issues, healthy lifestyle, holistic health, kapha, liverhealth, massage, nadi shodhana, nervous system, Panchakarma, Recipes, rejuvination, Rose, second brain, yoga
With Valentine’s Day approaching, let’s take a moment to appreciate roses. The rose plant has a long history of medicinal uses in ancient and modern practices alike. Pieces, Places, and Properties Every part of the rose plant – petals, fruit, stem and roots are...
by Manish Chandra | Jan 30, 2024 | Ayurveda, balance, blog, breath, doshas, liberation, lifeforce, lifestyle, light, rejuvination, sattva, trust, truth, Wellness, wisdom, yogi
Enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 25 the book our Ayurvedic doctor-in-house is coauthoring. Ayurveda, the ancient “Science of Life”, has been presented as a comprehensive training for living in balance and for living true connectedness. The timeless insights of this...
by Manish Chandra | Aug 18, 2021 | anxiety, autonomic nervous system, awareness, Ayurveda, balance, bed, blog, body constitution, Consciousness, Detoxification, digestion, Digestive Health, doshas, emotional, emotions, Energy, fatigue, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, habits, healing, healthy lifestyle, holistic health, imbalances, kapha, lethargy, lifestyle, low energy, mental, mental health, mind and body, pitta, prana, rejuvination, rest, routine, schedule, scienceoflife, sleep, spiritual, stress, vata, Wellness
Sleep is in the top 3 most important aspects to having a healthy life. However, it is common as we live these fast-paced lives our sleep often becomes erratic, which can lead to many health and energy issues. After a day of stimulating activity, your body...
by Manish Chandra | Mar 29, 2021 | Ayurveda, ayurvedic, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, buddhism, daily routine, disease, emotional, emotions, Energy, heal, healing, health, jyotisa, jyotish, lifestyle, meditation, mind and body, nakshatra, prana, rejuvenation, rejuvination, relationships, rest, routine, self-realization, spiritual, studies, swimming, trust, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, water, Wellness, wisdom, work, yoga
Saturn aspects Venus, Mar. 30 Venus is beauty and comfort. When Venus goes to work, as seen in its masculine sign Libra, you find a shopkeeper or a salesperson in the busy downtown scene of a city. These people deal in abstract values, such as fashion,...
by Manish Chandra | Mar 22, 2021 | anxiety, Ayurveda, ayurvedic, ayurvedic approach, balance, blog, breath, breathe, breathing, daily routine, emotional, emotions, Energy, fatigue, flow, heal, Health issues, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifetsyle, illusion, imbalance, jyotisa, jyotish, lifestyle, meditation, minerals, nakshatra, rejuvenation, rejuvination, scienceoflife, spiritual, vedic astrology, Vedic science, Wellness, wisdom, work, yoga, yogi
Jupiter in Dhaniṣṭhā Jupiter has moved away from Saturn into the next nakshatra, Dhaniṣṭhā, where Jupiter will stay until May 21. Dhaniṣṭhā literally means wealthy and complete. To the rishis and sages, wealth was a state of being moreso than a title based...
by Manish Chandra | Feb 15, 2021 | Ayurveda, blog, daily routine, emotional, emotions, Energy, jyotisa, jyotish, maya, meditation, mental, mental health, mind and body, nakshatra, prana, rejuvination, rest, ritual, root, routine, schedule, scienceoflife, self-realization, sleep, stress, trust, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, walking, Wellness, wisdom, yoga
Thursday, Feb. 18 We are in the final days of an inauspicious yoga, (Kal Sarpa Yoga), wherein all of the planets are stationed between the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu have the tendency to disrupt the natural tendencies of the planets, bringing waves of...