by Manish Chandra | Aug 4, 2021 | awareness, Ayurveda, ayurvedic herbs, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, blog, Consciousness, Cooking, cost-saving, digestion, Digestive Health, doshas, farmers market, gastro-intestinal tract, GI tract, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, habits, healthy lifestyle, Herbs, holistic health, kapha, lifeforce, mental health, microbes, microbiome, microflora, mind and body, Mindful Eating, nutrients, organic, pesticides, pitta, prana, probiotics and the gut, processedfoods, routine, scienceoflife, seasonal and daily routines, seasonal diet, seasonalhealth, seasons, second brain, sleep, spices, tips, turmeric, Upcoming Events, vata, vegetables, Wellness, Workshop
In Ayurveda, freshly prepared meals contain foods that are whole, living, and fresh from the earth, providing a necessary component for circulation of movement within your body; life force (prana). This energy is ingested in the body ad increases flow of...
by Manish Chandra | Jul 28, 2021 | agni, Air, anti-inflammation, anti-inflammatory diet, awareness, Ayurveda, ayurvedic approach, Ayurvedic Healing, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, blog, body constitution, Consciousness, Digestive Health, doshas, earth, farmers market, fire, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, healthy lifetsyle, holistic health, inflammation, intuitive eating, kapha, lifeforce, microbiome, mind and body, nature, nutrients, pitta, prana, scienceoflife, seasonal and daily routines, seasonal diet, summer, summer Ayurvedic diet, summer diet, summer lifestyle, vata, vegetables, water, Wellness
At the basis of Ayurveda are the four elements; water, air, earth, and fire. These elements hold numerous different qualities. Air is quick moving and tends to be cold but is also necessary to move oxygen through our bodies. Water is moist, clear, and...
by Manish Chandra | Jun 16, 2021 | agni, ama, awareness, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Healing, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, blog, daily routine, Digestive Health, dosha, doshas, farmers market, gastro-intestinal tract, GI tract, guidelines, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, health, healthy lifestyle, holistic health, hydration, intuitive eating, kapha, lifeforce, lifestyle, mental health, microbiome, mind and body, Mindful Eating, movement, nature, nutrition, organic, pitta, prana, scienceoflife, seasonal and daily routines, seasonal diet, summer, summer Ayurvedic diet, summer lifestyle, travel, vata, walking, water, Wellness
With many places opening back up after the pandemic, there is going to be much more opportunity for travel, hanging out with friends and family and enjoying life again, just in time for the longer days and warmer weather! With this transition, there are...
by Manish Chandra | May 26, 2021 | agni, anti-inflammatory diet, awareness, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Healing, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic massage, ayurvediccooking, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, blog, body constitution, Consciousness, Cooking, cost-saving, daily routine, Digestive Health, doshas, farmers market, food combining, guidelines, Gut Health, habits, healing, healthy lifetsyle, herbal remedies, Herbs, holistic health, intuitive eating, life, lifeforce, mental health, microbiome, mind and body, Mindful Eating, nutrition, scienceoflife, seasonal diet, second brain, turmeric, vegetables
If you have studied Ayurveda at all, you may have found yourself thinking “how am I going to be able to do all of this?” This is a common thought for many people who are just trying to find more time in the day to be healthier. The beautiful thing about...
by Manish Chandra | Jun 27, 2018 | agni, aloe, Ayurveda, blog, Digestive Health, farmers market, Gut Health, summer, summer Ayurvedic diet, summer diet, Wellness
Summertime and the living is easy! Summer, like each of the seasons, brings a distinct personality of light, fire, heat, and intensity. Depending on your individual mind and body constitution (dosha), summer may aggravate your innate tendencies or increase your sense...