by Manish Chandra | Jun 18, 2021 | ama, awareness, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Healing, balance, blog, body constitution, constipation, daily routine, dehydration, Digestive Health, doshas, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, habits, healthy lifestyle, holistic health, hydration, immunity, jet lag, kapha, lifeforce, mind and body, Mindful Eating, movement, pitta, scienceoflife, seasonalroutine, summer Ayurvedic diet, summer diet, summer lifestyle, tips, travel, triphala, vata
Summer is the best season for travel and with places opening up again, there will be increased opportunity to satisfy that travel bug we have all been feeling the last year and a half. We are coming out of a very unique routine having just been in a...
by Manish Chandra | Jun 16, 2021 | agni, ama, awareness, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Healing, Ayurvedicdiet, balance, blog, daily routine, Digestive Health, dosha, doshas, farmers market, gastro-intestinal tract, GI tract, guidelines, Gut Health, guthealingprotocol, health, healthy lifestyle, holistic health, hydration, intuitive eating, kapha, lifeforce, lifestyle, mental health, microbiome, mind and body, Mindful Eating, movement, nature, nutrition, organic, pitta, prana, scienceoflife, seasonal and daily routines, seasonal diet, summer, summer Ayurvedic diet, summer lifestyle, travel, vata, walking, water, Wellness
With many places opening back up after the pandemic, there is going to be much more opportunity for travel, hanging out with friends and family and enjoying life again, just in time for the longer days and warmer weather! With this transition, there are...
by Manish Chandra | Mar 15, 2021 | anxiety, ayurvedic, blog, breath, breathe, emotional, heal, healing, health, hydration, jyotisa, jyotish, lifestyle, meditation, mental health, mind and body, nakshatra, nutrition, organic, prana, relationships, scienceoflife, self-realization, spiritual, travel, trust, truth, vedic astrology, Vedic science, Wellness, wisdom, yoga
Monday-Tuesday, Mar. 15-16 Moon in Aśvinī Aum̐ aśvinīkumārābhyāṁ namaḥ “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Love this quote by Viktor...