Refreshing your Health in Nature

Refreshing your Health in Nature

            Nature holds elements and vibrations that make up your very being. It holds answers and necessary energies that your body is craving in order to begin a path to wellness and healing. But what is it that makes nature such an important step in this process...
Movement for the Doshas

Movement for the Doshas

            Movement throughout the body is vital for life. Movement of prana (life force) within the blood, the movement of oxygen for the lungs, and the regular movement of food and nutrients in the gut are examples of essential internal movement. Healthy internal...
Balance Through New Travel

Balance Through New Travel

            Summer is the best season for travel and with places opening up again, there will be increased opportunity to satisfy that travel bug we have all been feeling the last year and a half. We are coming out of a very unique routine having just been in a...
Transition to Summer: Diet and Lifestyle Tips

Transition to Summer: Diet and Lifestyle Tips

            With many places opening back up after the pandemic, there is going to be much more opportunity for travel, hanging out with friends and family and enjoying life again, just in time for the longer days and warmer weather! With this transition, there are...
Weekly Vedic Astrology Forecast, 11.9–11.16.20

Weekly Vedic Astrology Forecast, 11.9–11.16.20

Mars goes direct, Pisces, Friday, 11.13.20 Forward! Our energy will slowly return and we will feel more focused, vital, and capable. As Mars is truncating a retrograde stint, now in Pisces, passive aggression can now return to…regular aggression. Not to color this...
Ayurveda and Jyotish

Ayurveda and Jyotish

The purpose of the Vedic sciences is to promote Self-realization. Known as sister sciences, Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic astrology) have been studied as parallel practices since their conception. Ayurveda translates into “knowledge of life,” and Jyotish...