Vedic Astrology Forecast, January 4th – January 11th

Vedic Astrology Forecast, January 4th – January 11th

Monday, January 4, 2:25pm PST   For the next twenty days, Mercury will be in Capricorn, moving through conjunctions with Saturn and Jupiter.   Mercury is the second fastest moving planet, whipping through the zodiac at a pace only second to the Moon. What...
Ayurveda and Anxiety

Ayurveda and Anxiety

Anxiety is basically what happens when we experience worry, doubt, dread, or fear regarding the future, and it can manifest in various ways. We’ve all probably felt at least a little anxiety before, so we won’t go into too many specifics about what it feels like in...
Agni, Your Digestive Fire

Agni, Your Digestive Fire

Agni is known in Ayurveda as the internal digestive fire, as well as the deity of fire. The devotion to Agni is not nature-worship, but a recognition of the awe inspiring power that softens metal, evaporates water, and may bring life or death. Fire is known across the...
Weekly Vedic Astrology Forecast, 11.9–11.16.20

Weekly Vedic Astrology Forecast, 11.9–11.16.20

Mars goes direct, Pisces, Friday, 11.13.20 Forward! Our energy will slowly return and we will feel more focused, vital, and capable. As Mars is truncating a retrograde stint, now in Pisces, passive aggression can now return to…regular aggression. Not to color this...
Ayurveda and Jyotish

Ayurveda and Jyotish

The purpose of the Vedic sciences is to promote Self-realization. Known as sister sciences, Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic astrology) have been studied as parallel practices since their conception. Ayurveda translates into “knowledge of life,” and Jyotish...