The Koshas (Energy Sheaths)

The Koshas (Energy Sheaths)

By Sheyna Haisman-Holmes The Koshas are the energy sheaths of the body that represent the layers of our beings and mind. The seven chakras (wheels of light/energetic focal points) are correlated with the koshas as well as the endocrine system and their related organs....
Revisiting Our Presence & Loving Care

Revisiting Our Presence & Loving Care

By Sheyna Haisman-Holmes Whether we have a romantic partner or not, this time of year can be a great reminder to check in on how well we are caring for ourselves. Hopefully we celebrate, honor and cherish the love that we have in our lives more than once a year and...
Reflections on the 5 Kleshas – Roots of Pain and Suffering

Reflections on the 5 Kleshas – Roots of Pain and Suffering

By Sheyna Haisman-Holmes  It is February 2nd and we have made it halfway through the winter! February 1st-2nd is celebrated as a Celtic holiday called Imbolc that marks the peak of winter and the halfway point between the winter solstice in December and the spring...
Don’t Hold Back! On Urges & Tears

Don’t Hold Back! On Urges & Tears

By Sheyna Haisman-Holmes  In Ayurveda, there are urges to not resist and doing so is harmful to the body. An urge can be yawning, going to the bathroom, burping, sleeping, crying, etc. Holding in these urges can put stress on the body and interrupt proper...
Neti & Nasya to Breathe Easy

Neti & Nasya to Breathe Easy

Are you familiar with nasal-irrigation, also known in Ayurveda as neti, and its sister practice of nasal-oiling known as, nasya? These are great home-practices to have on hand as we move from the hot pitta season into the more cold and dry vata season. These practices...
Ayurvedic Practices to Handle the Heat

Ayurvedic Practices to Handle the Heat

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s hot! Across the US we’re experiencing a heat wave; this is the season known in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine as Late Summer. For many of us the heat can feel both exhausting and irritating. How do we surrender to the heat and support...