The Nature of Individuality, structure of life in health and disease

The Nature of Individuality, structure of life in health and disease

Each of us is a unique individual. Just consider how inherently and intriguingly different we are in so many fundamental ways. Each of us will react differently to a given stimulus whether diet, medicine, weather, emotional stresses, aging, or disease. The stream of...
The Energetics of Thanksgiving Foods

The Energetics of Thanksgiving Foods

In Ayurveda, every food has an energetic effect on the body. Understanding these principles allows one to use food as a tool for healing. To begin, one must have awareness of their present state. Do you generally feel warm or cold? Does your digestion seam fast or...
Subdoshas & the Air Element

Subdoshas & the Air Element

by Sheyna Haisman-Holmes As we descend more into Vata season, we can feel the effects of the air and ether elements more strongly. Within the three main doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) there are five subdoshas each, representing the five elements. The five subdoshas...