Ayurvedic Practices to Handle the Heat

Ayurvedic Practices to Handle the Heat

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s hot! Across the US we’re experiencing a heat wave; this is the season known in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine as Late Summer. For many of us the heat can feel both exhausting and irritating. How do we surrender to the heat and support...
Ayurvedic Wisdom for Seasonal Transition

Ayurvedic Wisdom for Seasonal Transition

Here in the Western Hemisphere we are in the period of late summer moving into the cooler season of autumn. In many parts of the country it’s still quite hot, but the waning light is noticeable. Some of the leaves and colors are changing around us into more muted and...
5 Ways to Get Ready for Summer

5 Ways to Get Ready for Summer

            Summer is classified in Ayurveda as Pitta season, with the main elements of fire and water at play. The heat, the long days with bright sun, and the sharp intensity define the Pitta season. Pitta is understood as the digestive fire or metabolism, as it is...
Summer is Around the Corner!

Summer is Around the Corner!

            Summer is the season of pitta. Pitta’s qualities are hot, light, mobile, sharp, and oily. It governs the heat in the body and it is primarily responsible for digestion, perception, and intelligence. Because pitta shares many of the same qualities as...