Cold and Flu Season

Cold and Flu Season

Cold and Flu Season is upon us, and with the added stress of a pandemic, we’re all wondering how best to care for ourselves during this time. Ayurveda seeks to answer the question of “how best do I care for myself” by studying nature, seeking balance, and taking a...
The Six Tastes: Sour

The Six Tastes: Sour

Our entire psychology is connected with our nutrition. Salt: basis for awakening consciousness; Sour: refreshing, activating; Sweet: general sense of well-being; Bitter: resistance for the will” – Albert Soesman The Six Tastes Taste has been studied for thousands of...
Chyawanprash, Vitality in a Jar

Chyawanprash, Vitality in a Jar

Chyawanprash, also called Chyavanprash or Chavana Prash, is an ancient Ayurvedic recipe that’s over 5,000 years old. A specific blend of herbs, spices, fruits, fats, and honey, it is full of essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that can help restore the...
What is Ayurvedic Cooking?

What is Ayurvedic Cooking?

There are a handful of key facets that make up Ayurveda cooking and these are some of the primary ones: Use the freshest ingredients and eat seasonally This means purchasing ingredients that are organic, seasonal, and ideally local, which will ensure you’re cooking...
Ayurvedic Grocery Basics 

Ayurvedic Grocery Basics 

Ayurveda stresses the importance of food as medicine to heal and optimize our health. It can be your guide to balancing yourself, so these issues of stress, insomnia, low energy, obesity, and illness fade away. We want to give you our list of our grocery basics!In...