Nadi Shodhana // Alternate Nostril Breathing

Nadi Shodhana // Alternate Nostril Breathing

by Sheyna Haisman-Holmes Nadi shodhana is a pranayama practice (breathing technique) that has countless health benefits on the body & mind. It is used as a prescription in Ayurveda for a large spectrum of imbalances like anxiety, sleep, focus, digestion, etc. Nadi...
Samprāpti: The 6 Stages of Disease

Samprāpti: The 6 Stages of Disease

by Sheyna Haisman-Holmes In Ayurveda, there are six successive layers that lead to the manifestation of a disease. The accumulation of imbalances and toxins is what furthers the disease process, usually behind the scenes before signs and symptoms are very noticeable....
Cellular Agni (Fire) & Emotional Health

Cellular Agni (Fire) & Emotional Health

by Sheyna Haisman-Holmes The fundamentals of Ayurveda consider and address cellular nutrition and the connections between overall health and emotional wellbeing. Having agni (digestive fire) strong and functioning is the most important key to nutrition, cellular...
The Srotāmsi & Awareness

The Srotāmsi & Awareness

by Sheyna Haisman-Holmes Srotāmsi or the srotas are the channels by which doshas move throughout the body. The srotāmsi are physical and energetic channels that are countless, running through all the cells, capillaries and beyond. Vedic texts state that there are...