Summer is Around the Corner!

Summer is Around the Corner!

            Summer is the season of pitta. Pitta’s qualities are hot, light, mobile, sharp, and oily. It governs the heat in the body and it is primarily responsible for digestion, perception, and intelligence. Because pitta shares many of the same qualities as...
Why Ayurveda Works Better than Modern Diets

Why Ayurveda Works Better than Modern Diets

            When it comes to food and diet, there are seemingly endless options and opinions regarding the best path towards health. With modern diet trends that come and go with the seasons, it can be difficult to know which direction to turn and which approach is...
10 Fake Healthy Foods to Watch out For!

10 Fake Healthy Foods to Watch out For!

            Healthy living is extremely convoluted these days. With buzz words like “dairy free” and “gluten-free” on the shelves, it makes the buyer think that what they are reaching for is the healthier option. When in fact, it may be just as bad. As individuals we...
Losing Weight with Ayurveda

Losing Weight with Ayurveda

            The warm weather and renewal of spring is a wonderful time to shed weight that is no longer serving us from winter. However, we want to emphasize that Ayurveda views each person as a reflection of the universe. Because of this, there is no “right” or...
Understanding Your Dosha and Constitution

Understanding Your Dosha and Constitution

            The difference between your dosha and your constitution is based on two concepts; your current state versus what you were born with. Your natural tendency, or your Prakruti, is established at birth and is a stamp of all three doshas at the point of your...
Escaping Seasonal Allergies

Escaping Seasonal Allergies

            Spring can be a time of running outside in the grasses, enjoying the spring rains, sneezing and dealing with a stuffy nose from allergies. For many, spring is the allergy season. The snow in some areas melts away and rains become more frequent, which...