It is understood in Ayurveda that our bodies are aligned with seven energies, the Chakras. These energies connect the mind, body, and spirit. Each chakra holds information and experiences to that individual. The seven chakras consist of: the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. Today we will be discussing the first of the seven, the Root Chakra.

            Each Chakra is connected to a Kosha. You can picture a Kosha as being a sheath of energy around the body, and each of the seven Koshas extends further out from us. The Root Chakra is connected to the closest sheath, the Annamaya kosha, or  “Food Sheath.” You may also visualize the Root Chakra beginning right at your tailbone, or bottom of your spine. This is your grounding chakra, what holds you to the earth. This is also where you hold experiences for your survival.

            The mind is connected to our nervous system, which influences the chakra system.  “Anna” meaning food, and “maya” meaning “made-of” make up the basic sheath. That is why it is call the food sheath, since the physical body requires water, air and food to survive. The electromagnetic field of this kosha is our body itself. Unlike the rest of the koshas, they extend outwards starting at six centimeters, and can extend up to three feet away.

            Your Root Chakra is important because this is what connects us to earth and nature. It holds experiences for security, survival, and stability. This is also where fear can be stored. Some signs of imbalance in your root chakra may look something like:

  • Skeletal or muscular pain
  • Fear
  • Resistance to change
  • Greed
  • The fear of not being safe enough

           This can be a very difficult imbalance to experience or to live with. However, opening your root chakra is not a difficult task. Some things you can do to open this can include:

  • Connecting with nature
  • Yoga: Tree Pose or Mountain Pose
  • Dancing
  • Spending time with friends and family
  • Wearing the color red as this is Root Chakra’s color
  • Aromatherapy: Clove or Rosemary
  • Talking through any fear or trauma with a therapist

           If you are feeling like your root chakra may be imbalanced, always know that you can return back to nature. Just like us, nature is working in a greater orchestration. This is where we learn our best lessons. Ayurveda, the science of life, exists within you, around you, and beyond you.

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